Ali Bassett




Folktales, morals and old wives’ tales, overheard stories and the proverbial wisdom of the superstition are the pro dominant themes and interests that are common throughout my work. There’s a real beauty in stories handed down from generation to generation, words of advice as we make the same mistakes, repeat the same heartbreaks and share the same love and joy. 

Living and working in Penzance, it’s nature that always creeps into my work; the headland, the water and the space. Working with canvas, pieces are painted and stitched together in a patchwork, displaying figuration and pattern, the patchwork of the fields with their distant diluted colours. Hints of stories, snippets of coversations will get stitched in with a autumn sunrise or a overseen gesture between two friends. I feel this combination of elements allows me to communicate my thoughts to gently tell a story which I believe can be relatable to us all.


Spring Wishes