Justine Eavis
ABOUT Justine
I’ve realised over time that my work very much reflects the seasons, in colour, subject and light. This most recent collection of work is perhaps where it’s most obvious, it being a mix of landscape and very simple still lives
The drawn mark is very much a part of my work, and drawing is used throughout the making of a piece of work. A painting develops as a series of visible layers, a kind of palimpsest of historical marks made by adding and masking. I occasionally use elements of collage before adding painted layers. It is the process of painting that interests me most and it's what steers the work, so that the piece becomes a summation of mark making. By having no fixed end point I’m able to allow the work to develop instinctively.
Cow Parsley
Like a Mirror
Early Morning Sun and Frost
Poppies and Hay Bales