Marianne Nicholls


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Marianne Nicholls is a self-taught artist living in West Penwith. Her abstract works are firmly rooted in the landscape of the Cornish Coast.

Marianne spends much of her time exploring the area and is drawn to its history and wild landscape. Her affinity with the Cornish Coast and getting to know the land over time plays an important part in developing her painting style. 

Walking the coast, taking photos, sketches and collecting found items, often provides the starting point for her pieces. However, rarely are the paintings a straight forward image of these landscapes. Rather they aim to portray her experience in the environment and capture the essence of tides, weather, light and seasonal changes. 

Her creative process is expressive, energetic and dynamic, mimicking the landscape as a constantly changing phenomenon. 



Sea Rhythms
Mordros II
Mordros III
Mordros I

